You do not need a weight loss guru

Learn to build an intentional, healthy, & fit lifestyle without obsessing over your weight.

Founder’s Story

I’m currently a Certified Personal Trainer, Behavior Change Specialist, and Women’s Wellness Coach. However. Just five years ago you would have never been able to convince me this is what I’d be doing.

I could hardly even bring myself to the gym.

Crippling anxiety left me standing in the middle of the grocery store in tears. I’d find myself walking into the gym just to turn around and walk back out. Paying money to work with trainers but unable to do what I needed outside that session to actually live a healthy life. I was able to “get away with it” because genetics kept me thin and looking like I was healthy. But that couldn’t have been further from the truth. I ate whatever, whenever…drank far too much alcohol…and exercised with extreme inconsistency. I never thought I’d be helping others get healthy and fit.

But life is funny and my life got turned on its head. I went from living in NYC, married, and modeling to moving in with my dad in Idaho, divorced, and working in a psychiatric hospital. I was completely starting over. Going from walking all over NYC to sitting all the time in Idaho, I also quickly gained 10 pounds.

A life change like that can really make you feel like you don’t have control over anything. But I thankfully realized…that wasn’t true….(cont.)

Fitness Coaching to shift your thinking around food and fitness to create lasting change


Change must come from the inside out. That’s why we start with mindset. We’re here for lasting change.


Fitness can mean so many different things for different people. Let’s find out what it means for you.


You can’t out exercise a bad habit. Food is the foundation of our health. Learn what it takes to support your goals.

What Clients Are Saying

Sarah T.

Busy Mom of 4

I can't say enough great things about Heide. Not only does she give you a killer workout, she makes sure you truly love yourself in the process. Heide is great about pushing you to your limits but also listening to your needs and frustrations. She hypes you up and helps you every step of the way. Using her as a personal trainer has truly changed my outlook on not only myself but working out! She's an amazing woman and if you need that extra step you will never regret taking it with her.”

Brandi H.

Busy Mom & Working Professional

“Joining a gym and working out after you have been out of shape for about a decade is nothing short of intimidating. Having Heide as a personal trainer was everything I didn’t know I needed. My first session with her I couldn’t even do 1 push up and thought I was dying after the first 20 min. Yet, she still gave me a high five, told me I crushed it and modified workouts to meet me at my level. Months later now and her workouts still continue to kick my butt and anytime I think I can’t do it she reminds me that I can. Her continued confidence in me at the gym has given me my confidence back in and out of the gym.”

Sharon T.

Real Estate Agent

“I've always struggled to be consistent with doing what's necessary for my overall health. Since starting 90 Days to You, I have been able to make the necessary mental shifts that have pushed me to do the exercises and stretching necessary for better movement on the tennis court and in life.”

Adela M.

Mom of 2 & Interior Designer

“I love Heide’s coaching style and approach. From the first session you will realize her commitment to your health and fitness goals. She focuses on your particular needs and lays out specific next steps. Through her guidance and mentoring I was able to find my own passion and achieve important milestones. She didn’t just help me change myself, she helped me love myself.”

Need some more inspiration?

Access to my app
Custom workouts & more!

Custom workouts, placed into your schedule with videos demonstrating proper form. In-app nutrition guidance and meal suggestions. Group support.

Features of the Program

1:1 Coaching
Weekly 30-minute sessions

Together we’ll challenge the thoughts that have been keeping you stuck and develop a plan to break through your limitations.

75+ pages of content
Empower yourself

Educational content around mindset, food, and fitness, journal reflections, and more

I'm skeptical...

But what about...

I'm not sure...

I'm skeptical... But what about... I'm not sure...

Let’s address your questions and concerns…

You: But I have an app that gives me workouts for way cheaper….

Me: Are you using it? Something tells me you wouldn’t be here if that app was actually helping you. That’s why weekly coaching is an essential part of my program. Let’s get to understanding what is keeping you from doing the work and rewrite that narrative.

You: I don’t have time for exercise let alone coaching sessions! How am I going to find time for this?!

Me: That’s why we’re here. I know it really, truly feels like you don’t have time. In our work together you’ll see how you can create time through learning to live with intention. It’s not magic…but when you experience it, it sure feels magical.

You: I have already spent so much money on this…how do I know it will work this time?

Me: Let me ask you this: what’s at risk if you don’t try? What trajectory are you currently on? And where is that going to take you? Project a few years ahead. What does life look like if you don’t make a change?

Apply now and get a free wellness workbook that will get you started.*

*Wellness Workbook will be delivered upon attending the consultation call.

It’s time for you to start your new life.

I’ll be with you every step of the way.